Originally Posted by Mrmaddbrad
Okay here we go!!
With all parts including all seals, bearings, 1st-6th & Reverse syncrhos, and 2nd gear. It came to a grand total of just over $2,500...
If rebuilding the trans as a DIY project is within the scope of your capabilities, I think you are going overboard with your parts list.
All you should need is the 2nd gear synchro and a seal kit. If you are worried about damage caused by a long period of shifting while grinding, you can replace the 2nd gear dog teeth and possibly the 1st/2nd gear slider. That should be it. Why would you even touch or replace any other parts?
Of course, once you get in there, you may find that the trans is worn out extensively, at which point you should consider buying a used trans. One of my track buddies broke his 5 speed trans on his 99 Boxster. He was able to find a used trans for $700. Be patient and a good deal on a 6 speed trans will come along. A lot of Boxsters get parted out due to dead engines.