Originally Posted by mjones0216
Its not intermittent, the car wont start at all. I checked in today and evidently noone there knows how to work on a porsche. I'm no mechanic either but I'm sure I could figure it out without a problem with less than 5 mins searching online.
This was my point when I asked the last question. If the car won't start, then clearly the problem is not an intermittent.
Originally Posted by SolidWorks Mike
I'm guessing you don't have an answer to my original question then?
As for durametric helping with an intermittent issue, it will help as much as any portable diagnostic tool. If you've had an intermittent failure, you carry your laptop with you and then plug in at the time of failure.
I've had two crank sensors fail in 2 different non-Pcars. In my experience a failing CPS tends to manifest symptoms after the car is warmed up to operating temperature, it almost never happens when its cold. The engine dies while driving, or what's more likely you stop...for gas or a quick bite to eat and then come back to a car that won't start. You end up waiting it out, trying repeatedly until it finally starts, or you have it towed to a shop and low and behold it starts right up when the mechanic tries it.