I found it direct from JIC on ebay. He didn't say what is was made for, street or track. It is not that loud. I also have headers and high flow cats and 3.4ltr. So it will sound much different than most. I have to do some bracket magic on it later on if I get time. I am running a cayman tranny so the bracket is a tad different. I just have to drill two holes and adjust a hanger on the muffler. All and all it fits great. Just some tweaking. I can't take it out for a ride right now. Waiting on a new Coolant tank and cap. I should be up and running tomorrow morningish.
996 3.4 engine with 2.7 986 5speed transmission
Ebay Headers, Fabspeed high flow cats, JIC Cross, IPD Plenum, H&R Coilovers, B&M Short Shifter, AEM Uego Gauge Type Analog, Apexi S-AFC Select, 987 air box, Litronics, 2000 Tails and side markers, painted center console, 18" 987 S-Wheels, GT3 Front bumper with splitter.