Originally Posted by Kroggers
Thank you Eric, we have also had the same discussion on the front wheel fitment on another forum
But now that I know that it can fit, then question that is coming up here is if it is a good idea for me to go to a wider front and rear set-up or stay as I am - what do you think Eric?
For a 3.2L Boxster, I would want more than a 225/265 pair. A 245/275 would be nice and is available, or even a 255/285 with DOT tires. It does does depend a bit on the track you run, but I would always want more than a 225 DOT(or EU equivalent street rating) to get the most out of that car in the front. You are running almost Boxster spec sizes with another 100hp, and a bit more weight I believe. So I would expect the additional footprint could be put to good use.