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Old 11-14-2005, 08:47 PM   #1
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Angry Hope you had a better day

Apparently, somebody decided I needed a sun roof or two. They didn’t manage to steal anything though. I'm not sure if the car’s security stuff stopped them or scared them off or if they were just trying to cause damage. There has been a wave of "Rich people go home" kind of stuff in the last few months as the "urban revival" thing is becoming more and more popular.

A bunch of cars in the area were broken into the same night. Apparently, the only two cars that didn’t have stuff stolen from them were mine and a guy with a Z4. I had my Solo S2 in the windshield and the Z4 guy had an iPod on the dash and they didn’t take either. The punks only went after convertibles. It was a pretty strange thing overall, IMO, mainly because to get to my car they must have walked right past the brand new C4S (which they seemingly ignored) that parks a few spots away from me.

I think the little barf guy about sums its up
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