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Old 08-20-2012, 04:06 PM   #58
Eric G
Theoretical propagandist
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Homeboy...take the car on like an eating an elephant, one bite at a time. Look at things that can be grouped together such as "what can you do if you replace the IMS/RMS and the tranny is out"? If you attack it from that perspective, you can divvy it up into pieces and then spread the cost out over a couple of years. Also, if you look through the parts list, there are a lot of things that can be taken off if you want to reuse components (things that don't have to be replaced).

If you really want to do this shoot me a PM of what your looking to do and we can develop a list of things you absolutely need vs. would like to have. I will bet we can pair this down to a very manageable cost.

Also, if you have not gotten acquainted with the Pelican Parts Project builder... take the time to do so. By building subcategories and going through your build and then sort on the subcategories the system will cost out each of those areas. Then you can simply move each category to the shopping cart when you are ready to purchase a group of parts.
When life throws you curves, aim for the apex...
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