Thread: Rear Spoiler
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Old 08-11-2012, 12:54 PM   #22
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Posts: 195
Install was easy. 30-45 mins. Pop off plate that holds the fake buttons, replace fake with the spoiler indicator. Remove gauge cluster, tap and run the wires from harness behind cluster to button. Put everything back together. The instructions provided were pretty good, if I remember correctly and the seller was quick to answer any questions I had.

This product is not a function button, you can not raise and lower the spoiler. It just blinks when it is raising and lowering and stays red when the spoiler is completely up.

One thing I do remember. When I installed it, my spoiler only raised 1/4 the way right after install. I don't know if it was because my battery was weak or what. After a quick 15 min drive, everything worked perfect and has been that way every since.
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