Hit the manual switch on your fuse box panel by your left leg while the car's running and you can see if it comes up before you even take off. You only have to press and release the up button for it to go up all the way automatically, but you have to hold the down button for about 3-4 seconds for it to come completely down.
If you put the spoiler up manually, it will stay up regardless of your speed until the car is shut down or until you lower it manually with the switch. Upon a full lowering via the switch, it will resume its normal operation after that. If you leave it up, upon the next startup it will resume normal operation when you exceed 55mph.
If your spoiler light comes on when you start the car and extinguishes when you start moving, that means the system is working properly. If the light does not come on, the bulb is either burnt out or the system is not operating correctly. If the light comes on any time during your driving, that means that it is not working properly, and the spoiler is either stuck up, down, or somewhere in between. You can also check your fuse to ensure that it is intact just as another sign of whether or not the system's working.
If you want to find out the hard way, do twice the highway speed limit and see if the rear end sticks in the turns. (Please don't actually do this).
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
Robbins glass window top