Well, it has been a few days since a new post as I had to go back to work. Funny you wait for vacation time to come around and then once it is over you are already missing it.
Well today was the final draining of the coolant from all the lines, engine and radiator and then I had to deal with the oil pan. Seems the PO jammed the drain plug in so hard it wedged itself in place and they stripped the allen head out of the plug.
Ended up drilling two holes into the drain plug, placed a spanner wrench in then...bingo! Out came the jammed plug. Then after the engine was drained, it was time to remove and inspect the oil filter.
What was in there were small black plastic particles. Only about two small black particles were magnetic everything else was plastic. This seems to follow everything I have been seeing in that I don't believe the IMS is failing, but it still is going to get pulled.
The final picture is the magnetic drain plug with a 19mm head installed. For those that are worried about how far it will stick down. It is well withing the clearance of the exhaust manifold.