Originally Posted by Homeboy981
I am very happy with my JVC but it is a 2-DIN unit (takes up more dash space). However, it was worth the effort. In addition to the items you mentioned it has NAV (with updated traffic reporting and assignable POI-Points of Interest - like gas stations, restaurants, etc.). XM does not require purchasing another "add-on" unit. Touch screen is great! Watching DVDs is pretty cool for the passenger too. The backup camera is the sizzle! I can see people and stuff behind me now! The best part is it has an SD card slot - doesn't seem like big deal but I can put songs-enough for 5 days, DVDs, pics, etc. REALLY COOL! The cost on ebay was less than $400 - which was cheaper than a Pioneer unit AND I have had NO PROBLEMS!!!
Can you Post a Pic, I am just trying to understand how you can fit a double Din in a single Dn slot