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Old 08-07-2012, 11:37 AM   #34
Opposed to Subie Burble
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Originally Posted by DHALAS

This is my 1st post on the forum and I can tell my future posts will be not expect a hostile/hater type crowd; especially on a Porsche forum but i know it is not everyone on here

Looking forward to seeing what type of reply’s I will get…lol.
Originally Posted by DHALAS

Feel free to commeant
Originally Posted by DHALAS

Actually, this post was started with my intentions of proving that a 20x11 inch wheel on a Boxster S
Originally Posted by DHALAS

Bottom line, it doesn't matter what you think. It is what it. And it is a 20x11 wheel on a Boxster S. Live with it. Like it or not
You basically contradict yourself throughout. You ask for comments, meaning you're asking for people's opinions whether you really do want them or not, and (hopefully) knowing full well that some of these will not be receptive to what they see. In your efforts to try and seem unaffected by it, you're showing the exact opposite by getting snappy or abrasive with people. You ask for their opinion and then say, "oh well, live with it" when you get the opinion of someone who does not agree with what you're showing. Yeah, that's going to make people really want to continue talking to you. Respect is a mutual thing, give it and you'll get it. Calling people ignorant, haters, and telling them to just deal is heading in the wrong direction.

Ok, so you wanted to prove a point. Posting a picture up with nothing else and no explanation as to what was done is not the best way to prove anything to anyone. You've grown up with the internet, you should certainly know well enough that not everything you see on it is real. What reaction do you expect from a group whose demographic consists mostly of middle-aged and older individuals? They're not going to start doing double backflips and break into song because they saw a picture of 20s on a 986 Boxster S. You don't think you should have to explain yourself? You're entitled to your opinion on that, but the fact of the matter is that no one's going to take anything they see on the internet with more than a grain of salt if all they're going to see is a picture and no story behind it. So yeah, you probably want to explain some things that are easily lost in text since you're not actually speaking to someone. Heck, I'd figure someone accomplishing something would want to tell people all about how they did it.

Tone down the 'tude and the defensive nature and I promise you your experience here will be a good one. Also understand that no one on here will attack you without being provoked. Jokes aside, because that's all some of the first posts were, no one got "internet loud" with you until you decided to come off as pompous, rude, and above the rest of us because we're "ignorant".

1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
Robbins glass window top
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