Originally Posted by Crono0001
Still, the cars were built and intended to be driven hard. There are racers here who spend most of their time at red line with heavy braking, and you don't see their boxsters blowing up.
As to where racing is concerned, Boxsters are not straight line cars and we all know that. Unless you're Ghostrider and own a Spyder, or have some aftermarket tuning, your stock Boxster (even a stock S) is going to lose to most of the machines out there. Unless you're on a mountain pass delivering Tofu, you're most probably going to lose on the straights...
... and personally, I think drag racing is the stupidest thing anyways. Any monkey can shift, and there's no driver skill behind driving in a straight line. If you can HT and double clutch, that says magnitudes more than being able to "pull off a quarter mile under 11 seconds"
I agree 100% with your post but...................a monkey CAN miss a shift and blow up his engine! He can't sue the EVO driver because the judge wont allow monkeys in his court room.