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Old 08-03-2012, 01:30 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by Boxster586 View Post
OK. Disregard my post if you didn't exceed the speed limit in keeping up with those cars you listed. If that's the case, my Prius could keep up with the cars you listed...... at the legal speed limit. screwed up by not stopping when the car heated up and the engine light came on! It's as much your fault! Man up and stop whining!

I apologize to the board for being blunt but it is my non-sugar coated opinion.
I did stop, and called the mechanic that had just looked at the car 20 miles earlier. He said the gauge must be wrong, and seeing how he just looked at the coolant system the day before I believed him, why wouldn't I? He had just inspected the coolant system.

When it continued to overheat I stopped again and called and again he said gauges must not be accurate but I could drive it in later to have it checked out again. Car never made it there.

Didnt you read any of the posts? You might want to read the posts before commenting, all of this has been covered
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