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Old 07-31-2012, 06:38 PM   #43
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Years/Miles on IMSR ?

Originally Posted by Bala View Post
JFP said about 4-5 failures. Out of 3000? That is good.

You are right about the owners working together. This collective effort and support is what makes owning this car fun and possible. Without this collective effort (and the members of this forum) I wouldn't touch this car with a 10 foot pole.

5 failures out of 3000 with how many years/miles on them? If most have under 2 years and under 10k miles, I'd like to know how many OEM failures we had with such low hours/miles... Might be an even lower percentage?

Given all the talk of how driving habits and oil change intervals effects OEM IMS, I'd also suspect there MUST be a difference between manual and auto trannys and between 2.5 and 3.2 L engines, and would LOVE to hear some statistics on that.

It is great to read all the information on these forums about IMSR and IMSG, but I just keep coming back to the basic fact that we have pretty much only hearsay on percentages of various vehicles OEM failures.

Given that, my plan is to go with IMSG in hopes it might give me warning for any number of possible engine issues, and maybe do IMSR when there is more data of LN replacement failure rates over time and when I have to replace a clutch or fix that tiny oil drip from the RMS (about 1 drip every 2 months)...


Bruce (2000 Boxster S 6MT, 22k miles)
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