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Old 07-30-2012, 05:46 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
As long as the values for cam are between +/- 4 degrees (OEM specs for the M96/97), the actual values are irrelevant as they represent tolerances in the VarioCam, chain slop, component wear, etc. Try as you may to get it on the “ideal” deviation value of “0” when assembling one of these engines, you never will and will always end up with some value that should be in +/- 4 degree range.

The critical issue for determining if the IMS is on the way out (and this is a “win the lottery” odds of actually seeing it before the unit blows) is are the values rock steady at an idle; if they are not, and are moving back and forth, something in the cam drive, usually the IMS bearing, is wobbling badly.
Just hooked up durametric for the first time. "Cam 2" is showing a deviation of 3.39 deg. Is this getting too close to being out of spec. and does this camshaft need to be "timed". Deviation fluctuation is rock solid at idle.
986 00S
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