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Old 07-28-2012, 03:13 PM   #155
2006 987
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Originally Posted by Jake Raby View Post
I'd like to add that the engine I have is used and cheap.. The price I gave him on the engine is for the used engine as is, no upgrades to include the IMS. That can be done for added money.

The reality is it could run for 100 miles or 1,000 miles or 100k miles as it is a used OEM engine that does not have a guarantee of anything other than the fact that it will break or wear out at some point. No unicorns or rainbows with any use engine, that's why I have only sold two used engines in a decade.

The sale of any used engine is final, this engine made excellent power on my dyno and ran too good to be stripped down and made bigger. That's the extent of what we know about it. If it scatters to bits tomorrow, that's the risk that comes with the territory.

.... i wasn't expecting a 100,000 miles warranty, but.... this sort of sounds... scary....

I don't expect Reid Vann to give me a 100,000 mile warranty either, but at least it was the engine they chose and they installed, so if there is a problem, they *might* be more willing to cut me some slack, where if I bring in a engine and had problems they might say "told ya so"

so I appreciate the offer, it was very kind, but I will pass
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