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Old 07-28-2012, 01:24 PM   #152
2006 987
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: st. louis
Posts: 443
my 986 did have some costly maintenance coming up, so before dropping 7k on used engine install i do need to remember I have a few more thousand to spend

I bumped up this thread the day before the blown engine Best Tires / best price and performance

because the same mechanic who looked at the coolant said the tires should be replaced in a few thousand miles. Also said I should have the brake pads, rotors and sensors replaced when replacing tires

my top is old, I don't think it's original but there are some areas that are looking pretty worn, i posted about it and have been keeping an eye on it Saint Louis specific - local shop to fix rear window or replace top?

and my lenses are burnt.
Finished headlight mods: HID + De-Amber + LED turn signals, city lights & fog lights
Previous owner must have put bulbs in that were too powerful and burnt the plastic a bit. Not a major problem, headlights work fine and I don't know if it limits lighting without a good headlight to compare to, however it's definitely an eyesore and should be replaced

and we never did figure out why the engine was overheating. Hopefully a new engine would fix all problems but who knows

so.... if i replace the engine, i still have all of that to look forward to. Not saying a new Boxster wouldn't have it's own list of problems, but I would be replacing the engine knowing all these issues would be coming up.
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