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Old 07-27-2012, 07:04 AM   #116
2006 987
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Originally Posted by Overdrive View Post
Go track down some beater Neon...I'd normally say find one for $500 with a blown head gasket, which isn't hard at all to repair, but you can find a cheap beater to get around in, no problem.

As I said before, be careful shopping around for used engines if you decide to go the swap route. Not everyone has scruples and puts these things back together well.

You should also find out from the shop where the car is now what happened to your engine. Maybe it can be rebuilt.
Reid Vann mentioned the cost of rebuild being 13k, so I'm guessing it can be, otherwise why quote me a price? I'll ask again when they call back

I learned a valuable lesson: never take a Porsche to a shop that does not work on Porsches often. Yes, labor is about double at a Porsche specialist, but a few hundred bucks difference is MUCH cheaper than the emotional stress and financial burden of a new engine.

I'm also discovering every Porsche is unique. They might leave the factory the same, but they're not all in the same condition 10 yrs later. That great deal on craigslist or ebay might not run as great as the seller claims, and there could be a lot of problems not mentioned in the ad, like the 99 I drove yesterday with the rollbars eaten up, engine not accelerating like it should and steering wheel shaking at 60mph. Sure it can be repaired, but who wants to pay full blue book and have a bunch of repairs? Just because a engine light is not on does not mean the Porsche is driving like it should

Last edited by 986_inquiry; 07-27-2012 at 07:09 AM.
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