Originally Posted by Ghostrider 310
That's not what I meant at all, I'd be one the hacks then too you know. There are only a few guys on here that have professional shops. All I can tell you is when you have a business dedicated exclusively to repair, you should be better at your occupation than an enthusiast. That said, there is no doubt through collective efforts and support we have all helped each other know a lot more about our cars than the average indy mechanic and even some Porsche salespeople. The repairs we have seen on here can easily stand beside a paid repair, to me this is the internet at it's best.
My dad's place was like a surgery center, need to weld? No problem, body work bay? yup. In short, we could take a car to the frame and rebuild it if there was cause. Now that isn't to say it can't be done at a house but it's a whole different world at a repair center.
My dad visited this place and was immediately smitten, this was the standard we shot for. I have a book signed by the president of Fiat Roosevelt motors and a thank you letter for the excellent customer satisfaction and dedication. I'm not so much impressed that he wrote just proud of the standard my dad would not compromise.
White Post Restorations
Nice story there, Ghost. I was just being a bit sarcastic there, didn't really communicate so well through typed text. I know you meant nothing bad by it.