Thread: Alarm
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Old 07-25-2012, 07:15 AM   #11
Opposed to Subie Burble
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I do remember learning of that recently, and I wouldn't mind having them do that, too. My car doesn't lock itself, and it would be great if it did, since I'm used to locking manual locks myself, so I sometimes forget to press my lock button when I get in and go. I do believe that the horn beep can be deactivated if the owner chooses, though. Or, in the case of this thread, should be able to be activated if the owner prefers.

My car gives me two signal flashes and the horn beep when I lock the car, as does my sister's '99. The only difference between our cars' behavior is the way the LED on the dash flashes.

Again, maybe they changed it in later years, but that's how my car behaves, and I believe that behavior is even detailed in the manual.

1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
Robbins glass window top
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