Your CLU is shorting out ...
... because of the water.
the Central Locking Unit is responsible for the windows, locks, alarm and immobilizer functions.
It is located under the driver's seat.
Remove the seat.
Pull the unit out of the car and open it.
remove the printed circuit board and immerse it in isopropyl alcohol for about 30 minutes (this displaces any water in the components).
Let the PCB air dry (don't force-dry with a hot hair dryer).
Dry the carpets completely and re-install.
Check the fuse on the CLU to make sure it hasn't blown.
& out of 10 times you can get it working using this technique.
If it's fried, you'll have to get a new one. The CLU can only be programmed once, so get a new one, not a used one.
A dealer or someone with a PST-II ('97-'04) or PIWIS will have to reprogram the keys so the car can start.
You probably have one or both of the drains under the soft top clogged.
Put a garden hose with a nozzle right on the drain hole and spray. This usually cleans out any debris such as leaves, pine needles, etc.
Good luck.
Happy Boxstering,
Racecar spelled backwards is: Racecar!