So I'm sold too. Amp crapped out on me a couple of months ago and have been debating what to do. I originally thought about one of these but then changed my mind after reading the poor reviews, i.e. lag etc., but now I see that's not the case. Hats off to Ray for taking the plunge for the rest of us. For the last month, I've been bidding on the Pioneer unit on Ebay, but $400 is my limit and they usually go for more. Went to buy a cheap JVC HU at Frys last week but they were out of stock. Then stumbled on this thread - lucky me.
So my question is, there are several sellers selling this unit. They look identical. The OP's unit is one of the most expensive. If you're going to go cheap, you might as well go cheap. I'm getting this one:
GPS Navi with 7" Motorized Car Stereo DVD CD Player PIP Ipod Bluetooth+Camera | eBay. $220 shipped from CA and it includes the camera. Another seller has it for $209 shipped w/o the camera.
I'd be interested in seeing how Ray get's his mounted, and/or will the Ebay kit work this unit?
For all you others taking the plunge - anybody have a Becker BE6600 amp they want to part with?