Originally Posted by boxster6354
I do not think I am the one missing the point, it appears you are my friend as the title of the post is "Dual DIN 7" Touch screen radio install" the OP is talking of creating a DIY for the Install of the unit and others are talking about the install and routing of wires.
Appears you were lurking to find out not if but when the China knock off head unit causes a dash electrical fire in his car.
I am sure in some fashion you can place a toaster in that spot and would not need a DIY to do it, my question would be why you would want to?
Again sure you can buy knock-off brake pads, rotors, motor mounts. electrical and other such parts from China off of eBay for a fraction of the cost with inferior ratings but why would you put those in a Porsche?
Just my opinion, it is your ride and do so as makes you happy

I use to think that, but this is a Porsche, really there is no kenwood or pioneer or sony that is worthy IMHO. So I would like a completely debadged stereo if possible
Also there is no reason why a generic stereo can't be as good as the name brands in 2012. It's just a touchscreen that plays music and DVDs, you don't need 8 core processors and 32gb ram for that.
Besides kenwood and pioneer and sony are all made in china anyway, this could be the same unit just without the Name attached to it
I do not care about Gps in a stereo, nothing can be as good as my iphone that gives me real time traffic and police speed trap locations