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Old 06-19-2012, 09:27 AM   #56
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I was peripherally connected to the GM Exploding Side Saddle Gas Tank litigation 15 years ago or so. People were getting blown up or burned alive in their GMC pickups because of a faulty design that more than one GM engineer had warned about in writing. Unfortunately, management ran the numbers and decided that a recall of however many million trucks were affected would be much more expensive than the cumulative cost of the litigation of the small number of people who would be burned to death in the trucks.

I say all this to say that juries are very impressed by such revelations, and tend to reward plaintiffs rather handsomely (to the tune of 9 figures in the Shannon Mosely case, including $101M in punatives!) But when a bunch of "rich" guys get stuck having to buy engines for their out-of-warranty Porsches, that's a lot tougher sell. Bank on it: a class-action or an individual lawsuit against PAG is a non-starter.
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