06-18-2012, 08:25 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Ft. Leonard Wood
Posts: 6,164
Originally Posted by coreseller
I've been driving P-Cars for quite a few years here in the Midwest, Ohio to be exact. Where I live for some reason Porsches are pretty rare, but exotics (Ferraris, Bentleys, Hi-End Mercs, Maseratis, etc) are around. For the most part comments have been positive, but there have been not so friendly gestures said. Strangely enough, over the past few years they have all been made from Ford products. Not being cute or funny, just being honest. The whistled*cks throwing revs have always been in Mustangs, usually from "new edge" body style from the late 90's. The truly angry boys have been in F series pick-up trucks.... pretty weird and sad at the same time.
Yeah, I call those little boys "Mustang Sallies" and just give them a laugh and a wave. The rednecks in pickups aren't even worthy of a glace.