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Old 06-11-2012, 09:32 AM   #8
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Successful DIY

I was able to replace the AC Compressor and Receiver/Dryer this weekend, with the help of a mechanically inclined friend. Its definitely possible to attempt on your own, but it helped (and saved time) having an extra set of eyes and hands around! I only lack a trip to my AC shop to get the system oiled and recharged. All told, about $500 for the new compressor and dryer/receiver from Pelican Parts and $115 for the AC service at my local shop...not bad considering the whole job was quoted at $1100!
I didnt have time to do a full picture/tutorial, but I will share some key points:
Be sure your system is properly evacuated before you begin this job...I had mine done at a professional shop.
ALLDATA online manuals are a cheap and easy way to get some additional info on a project...certainly helped on this one!
The power steering fluid reservior had to come off to get the last of the three compressor mounting bolts out of its guide far enough to release the compressor...Plus, it gives you a additional room/sight lines to work with.
The compressor slides in and out through the front engine access very easily. When re-installing, align the top bolt (under the power steering reservoir) first, so you can pivot the compressor to align the other bolts.
The refrigerant inlet/outlet pipes required an allen and more torque than I could put on a T handle. A socket wrench and extension makes the job easier. I used new bolts when re-installing, as the heads were slightly damaged during removal.
24mm socket required to loosen the serpentine belt...

Good luck to anyone in the future on this one!
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