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Old 06-10-2012, 05:50 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Kroggers View Post
Just so I understand this correctly, that would be 9kg in total for a carbon fiber racing version of your Zaintop. And that top will replace the top, rear deck and the cover that sits over the normal soft-top between the hardtop and the rear deck?

Anyone know how this would compare to using the same composite stuff from GT-Racing?
the Carbon top weight are 9 kg exclusive glasses and will look like the other once. Rear deck and the cover that sits over the normal soft-top all are covered...just with out any rubber and real glasses of course...I can provide you with european macrolan from BAFS very light.. u can drill n bolt it even on if you like...the hatch can remove easy because you have to install on each corner a kind of bolt plugs the same are used for front hood.
but to safe weight might be better you would remove the convertible top.

sorry if my english not so perfect.
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