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Old 06-07-2012, 02:35 PM   #147
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: El Salvador
Posts: 8
Hi everyone, I have a few questions and I'm sorry if it is an old post but I wanted to know if anyone has dynoed or felt a torque loss in lower rmps? According to the cut-out muffler in the picture, the middle chamber doesn't comes in contact with the exhaust gasses right? It's hard to see but it seems to be a neutral chamber that has nothing to do with exahust flow, and if that's the case I don't think there should be any power loss, but then again there can be exhaust gas turbulence when the gas from the chamber and the pipe meet, creating thus more restriction. I'm just guessing here and probably that far out in the exhaust turbulence wouldn't be a problem, let me know if anyone has more info on this, have a great day everyone
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