Idle Problem mystery?
Hi... I've been searching for the solution or problem but no luck. About a week ago... my 99' 986 ( 5 Sp Standard Trans ) out of the blue started to have and Idling problem... when the transmission is not engaged ie... either in neutral or with clutch depressed the engine idle drops below the normal ( say 800 rpm ) to below 600... which seems as though the engine is about to stall.... ( it hasn't actually stalled yet )...but then it recovers somewhat... but then does the same thing again? I found a post on another site.. that describes the issue exactly...unfortunately there was no solution or explanation here is what I read......
( The engine speed will droop well below the intended 800 RPM after depressing the clutch when returning to idle. The speed will droop as low as 600 RPM, at which point the engine starts to stumble and die before recovering and overshooting to 1000 RPM and then returning to the standard 800 RPM idle speed. This problem happens almost every time the car returns to idle, to varying degrees, )...
I'm new on this forum so I'm not sure if it is ok for me to post a link to the site... I'd like to post the link as it goes into exactly what this person tried to find out what the problem was.... including what some mechanics & Porsche dealers had to say... but no solution yet.
Not to complicate it may just be a coincidence....but... the problem started happening.... just after i had purchased a WIFI OBD2 unit, and bought both the REV and FUZZYCAR apps for My Ipad. both of the Apps worked... and are pretty it has me wondering if I caused this...or if it.s just a coincidence?.. Any help is greatly appreciated...
ONE LAST Issue... I'm not sure how to set notifications to let me know if /when I get a response to this post? I will check back to see if there is a reply... but email notification would save me alot of log ons. ( Also not sure if I'm psoting in the right place?.. Apologies if I'm not )
NL, Canada