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Old 06-06-2012, 08:29 AM   #22
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I would have gone straight for the drill. File the stub flat, make sure you center punch it as close to the center of the bolt as you can, and start with small bits, working your way up until you are almost at the size of the hole (like actually touching the threads) and then run a good tap through it using lots of good cutting oil and cleaning the chips frequently. I wouldn't try an easy-out because if it snaps off in the hole then you are really in trouble (been there!)

I now go for the drill first because I have found in the past that, after wasting hours with heat, welding nuts on the stub, vice grips, etc., I almost always end up going with drilling, and it always works. Use really good bits - seriously. Save the Jobmate crap for your woodworking projects.
'99 black 986
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