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Old 05-29-2012, 05:41 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jake Raby View Post
Pulling any of the IMS related components with the engine in any other position than TDC and locked is absolutely going to lead to big time complications.. TDC is the ONLY location where the valve train is completely unloaded.

I have no idea why people do this over and over again both professional and DIY. Instructions don't help, because most don't read them and those who do generally don't absorb the information.

The VERY first thing that is done in this procedure is to locate TDC, the second thing is to lock the crank there...
I know- I developed the procedure from scratch and designed that puller~
I have over 20k miles on my self installed LNE bearing, your instructions work. Thank you for providing the installation information and making the bearings available for the "do-it-yourself" guys that enjoy working on their cars as much as they like driving them.

300K Mile Club
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