I came up with a relatively inexpensive and easy manner to install a bike rack hitch for my boxster. I have a provisional patent and want to put out a feeler to see what u guys think in addition to getting an idea of how many to get produced (in the USA btw). $250 would include the hitch , fold up license plate frame, trunk strap and all hardware. You would still have to provide the hitch mounted rack which is made by American Tool and is 20 dollars on amazon. This rack is light weight. I discourage towing or using bike racks without the included strap. My testing shows that the bumper shocks are not a suitable mounting mechanism for the weight of two bikes and a heavier rack system without the addition of the strap.
See my beta install video here. I have yet to lay the voiceover explaining the steps but you get the general idea. Note that you still retain the ability to us the OEM tow hook with my hitch.
Not looking to get rich, just recoup some expenses and maybe put a little toward some upgrades for my car.
Check out this video on YouTube: