I just picked up a 2003 S model, with around 45k miles...the previous owners apparently didn't know how to drive stick properly, as the clutch was toast. I am doing the LN bearing upgrade at the same time, and doing the RMS just for good measure too... at this point it's a few $k more but I know it is all good to go for a long while...and I knew about this from the pre-purchase inspection.
It sounds like you are looking at newer models and thus less mileage. Regardless I'd get a PPI done by a good dealer before you buy. One car I looked at had both clutch ,RMS issues and other seals and work needed etc, i passed. The one I bought is much more sound.
Beyond brakes/tires and basic service I am hoping this car will be good for many more years. My advice is get a PPI, and if you are nervous put aside $4k for a rainy day repair and or report from the PPI...
Michael Comet - www.comet-cartoons.com
2014 Guards Red Cayman S - PSE - PASM - 20"CC - INFTMT - CONV - etc..etc...
SOLD - 2003 Speed Yellow Porsche Boxster S - LNE IMS - Klisstle Rollbar Cover