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Old 05-19-2012, 04:59 AM   #27
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Location: Kalamazoo, MI
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I have been reading more about lifts over the last few days and I think I see most of the advantages and disadvantages of each style, but now my overriding concern is, how do I get the thing off the back of the delivery truck? I live in the burbs and don't have a dock or any type of a forklift. It looks like it would be a 3rd party shipping company that would deliver it, and details are a little sketchy as to if they would even have a lift gate, but it appears even that wouldn't be enough. I have also read in a few places where people say "the driver isn't going to sit and wait for an hour while you dismantle the thing and take it off piece by piece."

If you own a lift, how did you do it?

I don't own a truck either, but could borrow or rent one if that could somehow help. (ie, picking it up at at shipping terminal that would put it in my truck with their forklift, then I could screw around all day unloading it)
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