clutch: You can check the fluid level (shared with brake reservoir) and try bleeding to rejuvenate the clutch action by evacuating any air in the system. If that doesn't do it you will need to dig deeper including inspection of slave cylinder and clutch components. Look for any fluid under or around your floor to check for slave leakage.
Gas tank: All gas tanks use some kind of vent, if said vent is obscured it could cause what you describe. Although inconvenient, it sounds like just adding fuel as slow as you can flow it from the pump should address this problem in the interim. There is also an outside chance the float mechanism / sender in the tank is sticking and the tank is actually full but reading low, measure the gallons and track them and you should get an idea of whether that is the case.
Last edited by Ghostrider 310; 05-19-2012 at 03:07 AM.