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Old 05-18-2012, 04:06 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by stateofidleness View Post
oh man! I think I found my lift! Atlas Garage Pro 8,000

I'm assuming you have the scissor lift you linked to?

I'm not even sure how I'd accept delivery of that 4 post lift??? 53' foot trailer delivery means you'll probably have to meet up in a parking lot somewhere with your own trailer (simple enough), but how would I coordinate the transfer from the big rig to the small trailer?
my only problem with this type of life, as has been said, is that it's meant for more storage and less up/down action - a lot of boxster jobs involve going under the engine to remove something, then going through the engine bay to get the other line...

additionally, if you need to remove the wheel to do anything it's useless - try to replace the cv boots with that lift.

if you're looking to store the boxster for the winter in your dad's garage, then it seems like a good choice. assuming your dad (or mom) don't mind parking under another car.
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