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Old 04-11-2012, 02:19 PM   #13
Eric G
Theoretical propagandist
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Well, there have been a few threads posted since I first asked this question and several of them mentioned retaining the operation of the clam shell but ditching the top. Some have mentioned that they did this and it involved a fair bit of work??? So, knowing that someone had done this I dug into reading everything from Mike to Pedro and data in between when it dawned on me how simple this mod to do.

Step 1: Open the top to service mode
Step 2: Release the rain shield on the top to expose the push rod linkage and tension cable.
Step 3: Pop the safety tension cable off
Step 4: Using an allen head socket remove the bolt holding the push rod for that drives the convertible frame from each side (leave the hydraulic push rod for the clam shell alone)
Step 5: With the allen screw removed, pop the front of each push rod off of the "B" pillar connection (white on left side, red on the right side). You will probably have to pull back on the top to allow the push rod to have some space so it can come free from the ball connection it is attached to.
Step 6: Reattach the safety tension cable back in place.
Step 7: Reattach the rain shield.
Step 8: Enjoy the manual operation of the top and the motorized operation of the clam shell.

I also went ahead and did the electrical mod so I can operate the top with out having to engage the hand brake and what I have now ended up with is a top that I can open and close by hand while belted into my seat and have the clam shell controlled from the dash panel button. As for operation at speed, top was not going anywhere at very enjoyable speeds.
When life throws you curves, aim for the apex...
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