Kianfar, I would say you're being a bit too nice to the car. These cars like to be revved (once they're warm), and there's a whole extra 5000rpms you're leaving untapped. These cars sound lovely when you wind them up, and you're not doing them any harm. On the contrary, it has been noted on at least a few occasions that Boxsters that are babied can have some serious problems and a rather short lifespan (not necessarily proven fact, but certainly observed). Put it through its paces once in a while.
Feel no worries about shifting between 3- and 4000rpms, the car will be just fine, if not happier. 2.5k is really short-shifting a very rev-happy car, and crusing below 3000rpms is not good for it. The only time I ever shift that low is when I'm driving by a cop so he doesn't think I'm trying to test him or blatantly disregard his presence by racing my engine.
Glad you found what you were looking for in the manual.
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
Robbins glass window top