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Old 04-06-2012, 08:52 AM   #5
Burg Boxster
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Yes, you could also use the hidden telephone cable to get power and ground. If you choose that way, here is the wiring schematic:

Then you can just run the cord under the dash and to the A-pillars, etc.

Gosh, maybe my memory is failing but I fairly sure there is a GP near the fuse panel - there is on my 997 and I thought so too on my 986. With the outer carpeted panel removed, if you pull the carpet back a little, you should see a very large bundle of wires coming down to the left of fuse panel. I recall it being tucked behind there towards the bottom... I'll try and get you a pic from my 997 this weekend where it is.

Good luck

Last edited by Burg Boxster; 04-06-2012 at 09:04 AM.
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