Thread: Premium?
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Old 04-04-2012, 11:03 PM   #9
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Lightbulb Tyres

Originally Posted by js/sj View Post
How do I know if they are VR tires?
Deciphering sidewall graffiti: What those tire codes mean

It should say in the door jam what tires the car should have. ZR Tyres are V W Y or Z. They do not have to be new. It will be part of your price negotiation. You need to know what they cost if you are going to put them in the deal. The tires on the car might already be alright. I would bring a flash light and look myself. They cannot sell you tires that they know are unsafe. So you can show them the tag in the door and make them comply. Your side is anything below the recommended rating is unsafe for the way that you plan to use the car.

This car has ZR which are better. We don't know what they paid for the car, or if they took it as a favor on a trade in. But if you use the online tools and determine the trade-in price. And then you can add the cost of all the stuff you want to stick them with to that price. That will give you a pretty good idea of what they will not go below.

If they cannot sell it in your area they can wholesale it to someone who thinks they can. They will not get stuck with it, and they will not sell it for less than it cost them to make the deal with you. Some states allow the previous owner to buy there car back in 30 days. If you can find out who that owner was. You could make a deal with them they could get it back from the dealer at the trade in price and sell it to you. What is the Blue book, and what is the trade in value?

You can find a Boxster for that price, but I am not sure you can do it from a dealer or get them to tear the whole car apart for you at that price.
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