Originally Posted by kcpaz
I am seriously toying with the idea of building a turbo capable Subaru EG33 (3.3 liter flat six cylinder) and swap it in using the same turbo as what's in there now. More torque, more linear power, and faster spool. The down side is the engine is heavier and longer and parts aren't as readily available.
Nah! Get this one sorted and see where she is. Every car has it's own personality and you just have to adapt your driving style to the car. With my car and a stock 2.5L I have to maintain corner momentum and get on the gas really early on corner exit or I am dead meat. With the Boxsubi, you can drive it more like a Viper... Easy into the corner, get the rear really settled on exit and then hit the hammer. You can afford to wait on the throttle a bit because there is so much juice available.
I gotta be honest. When I saw you were putting a STI motor in there I had visions of wiring harnesses hanging everywhere with splices and electrical tape, and two shift levers sticking out of the dash.

So many projects like this end up as science experiments gone bad. I am totally impressed though. I had a hint you would put it together well because I had seen some of your Boxster Spec exhaust fabrication and I knew you were pretty handy with a TIG. Stay the course. This car will turn out great.