Originally Posted by Kroggers
This might sound like a strange question, but is relevant and related to the fact that I have just spent several nights removing old rubber, cleaning wheels and installing new rubber on the dry and wet wheels for the Boxster racing car - 12 in total...
I have all the machines at home, so at least I do not have to pay someone to do the work for me. A new addition to the set-up is a simple wheel balancing machine that I have picked up. Figured I could use it for our family cars as well and as such earn back the cost in savings quite fast.
But after having spoken to two other racing drivers who both said "balance racing wheels?!? never bother buddy - just change the rubber and get out there" I am starting to wonder what others do?
Sure Brad will comment here at some point, but what is the general opinion on this one?
Of course if I had access to the equipment to do it myself I would "check" the imbalance of each wheel. Mark each wheels inner rim with weight required to balance bare wheel at the spot inner & outer. Mount tire & check overall balance. Rotate tire on rim till you find optimum mounting point without using any weights. If wheel & tire are of decent quality & condition you should be able to acheive max 1oz imbalance without adding weights.