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Old 03-08-2012, 06:13 AM   #34
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? I understand that manufacturers have to work harder and build a better, more innovative product to meet the standards, but is that necessarily a bad thing?[/QUOTE]

All I am saying is the following that the EPA agency is now dictating where the car industry is going rather than the consumer. I know no one is a saint including car makers but now the EPA is mandating standards that will change cars radically by going double the gas mileage, that is a huge leap of technology, can it be done ? Positively yes but only god knows the pricing for such a lightweight and diminutive car. The market should decide which companies will survive and which won't. I will bet that some other President will hopefully soon after Nov will deal with reigning back the EPA and modify the targets. There is plenty of oil and gas out there that could be used in the cars if only we apply ourselves to extract it instead of being at the mercy of OPEC and seeing our wallets fleeced by speculators, hedge funds and the like. I don't see how this is an upsetting issue since it goes down the consumer deciding rather than some bureaucrat deciding what is good for you.
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