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Old 03-07-2012, 03:39 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by cvhs18472 View Post
These " no politics " statements that have been posted on this thread remind me of what my Mother used to say when she would start a discussion, and when she would see that she was losing badly say" I don't want to talk about it any more". The political climate in our country does effect our ability to enjoy our cars.
For those who believe CAFE standards don't affect car design, performance are simply sticking their heads in the sand. I don't understand what has happened to all these anti-politics censors because since I joined which was years ago Bruce, the founder of this group, used to have political comments every day. Nothing was sacred. Maybe the PC crowd and the liberal intelligentsia has taken over. As far as I am concerned I will make my comments when I see fit as I have done in the past and will do in the future. I love Porsche cars and will do forever or in your case until EPA allows me to enjoy it. I don't mind being criticized but being called a racist is personal since I been called lots worst names and attacked by both blacks and white because my wife and I were speaking Spanish. I know the effete snobs will be saying oh my god but c'est la vie.
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