Originally Posted by Ghostrider 310
My dad is very sick so excuse the tantrum but... Are you @$%&* kidding me dude? Mandating mileage is how you see the government being big brother? They can expose you to radiation each time you fly increasing your risk of leukemia but you think the gas mileage is offensive to those who served for us? We have people jailed from sea to shining sea for doobies and you want to make the government an Ahole about mileage!!! I suggest you broaden your view of what is too much oversight. Comon, we used to be able to smoke in planes, bowling alleys, restaurants. A DWI meant you hit something or someone, you could have a beer on your #$^& boat. It's twenty effing twelve and sodomy is still illegal with your spouse in some southern states! If you want to discuss the loss of freedoms the list is mighty long and needs to include more than a call for better gas mileage. Think of what we could save without a war on drugs or the eradication program for prostitution, it's only been around since Jesus any year now it should end.....
If you had paid attention in Civics class in High School you would remember that the only rights and obligations that the Feds have is to enter into treaties with foreign governments, keep a standing army to inforce those treaties, regulate INTERSTATE commerce and produce coinage of an intrinsic value equal to face value. All other rules were left to the states to dictate. You don't like it in New York--move to Ohio. I do not need the Feds to tell me how I can live my life, but I also do not expect them to take care of me if I screw up. With freedom comes responsibility. Ed