Originally Posted by pothole
I'm not sure what I think about this idea, but I would certainly say you're living in a fantasy land if you think government regulation isn't necessary. Corporations generally operate with a view to short and at best medium term profitability.
It takes regulation to force them into longer term views and the behaviours that go along with that.
It's government regulation, for instance, that stops corporations from disposing of toxic waste into the sources of your drinking water or from buying the house next to yours and turning it into a noisy, dirty, smelly factory.
So let's be honest about this. It's not government interference per se that's the issue here. You just don't think having more efficient and cleaner cars is terribly desirable. If you did, you'd be all for it, just like you're all for the government regulations that stop prostitutes walking up and down near your home looking for customers.
I would add pothole repairs for another thing that government can do. Corporations create wealth and jobs government create programs and taxes. In what I am arguing against is that we have an agency EPA of unelected officials telling us what car we will all drive. So much for choice.I could do without the prostitute near my house and the toxic waste since you are making this personal.
The market forces will dictate the size and economy of cars. Plenty of Prius out there for those who want that vehicle. Last point I live in NY where we are taxed to the hilt and that is the reality. Your insinuation of living in fantasy is sophomoric and condescending also, I am not a racist as one looney called me. I am from Cuba and I have called many a times a spic by both whites and blacks. I have no problem with them their racist slurs are a disease from here.