Originally Posted by linklaw
Pilot. If you are so fed up, why don't you move to a country where there are no taxes and the only function carried out by the government is maintaining the military? There are several countries that fit this description, where the free market rules, completely unfettered by government intervention. Somalia comes to mind. That's the great thing about the United States, nobody is forcing you to stay! Just think, you can probably even watch FOX news on the internet in Somalia and laugh at the rest of us still suffering here in the good old U S of A. You can be driving an armored Humvee that gets 4 miles to the gallon and the government won't force you into a vehicle that gets better gas mileage. When you decide to go, just let me know and I'll pitch in for your plane ticket.
I once wrote an editorial on Newsday about a teacher who got involved in denouncing an illegal alien family. I received the same lame response from someone that did not have the cojones to write his name down. His little rant was that I protested too much. The point of my argument was the fact his job is to educate not to be the immigration services. I ended the article that maybe this teacher-INS agent in disguised would have done the same if it was an Irish family blonde with blue eyes? For your information I do watch Fox, read the NY Times, leftist rag whose mantra is all the news worth printing for our liberal viewpoint and if not will fabricate them, Wall Street Journal, and also listen to NPR to see what the left is spinning. I am also an engineer and had my own business. Im not going to insult you because I have much better manners and if you don't agree I suggest you do as educated people do rather than sending me to Somalia. Man you could have sent me to Europe where the cars still do 200 mph in the Autobahn or Monaco a tax sheltered so let me know if that offer is still open I want to see the Grand Prix of Monaco in July on your dime.