Originally Posted by cvhs18472
And the point is? It is not the governments obligation nor duty to legislate these sorts of things. The reason Americans fought and died in wars was so that there would be no big brother. It always amazes me what people are willing to give up so that they don't have to take responsibilities for their own actions. Ed
Bravo I see that some of you already agree with me, while some already dranked the Kool Aid others see what the role of government is. It should be to protect our borders deliver the mail and maintain the highways for commerce. Regarding the air bags, and other safety items I am a believer that time would have made the manufacturers improve their cars no need of Big Brother telling you what to do. We belong to a forum that is all about Porsche and do you think that the EPA's mandates, an agency that has no accountability to the public and are not elected, is not going to drive the design performance of future models because they have spoken and that is ipso facto. To that is a say screw the EPA dismantle the dam agency. All of you that are so naive and have this Alice in Wonderland outlook of the things government does; you are now ready to buy the Brooklyn Bridge. Wait until these unelected idiots destroy the means of power plants in this country, pipe lines that can't be built sell us into paying a cartel whatever they want wiping out your savings and your worth and at the same time go to war to defend them. Gee what a great idea is that. EPA does not allow atomic energy, has stopped breeder reactors, stopped fusion investigation into technologies which are so far away and that will never produce enough electricity in the near future. Solar does not cut it, geothermal is not ready, aeolian is not working. Look at the politicians, Boxer stopped the solar because it would harm the desert, the Kennedys stopped a wind farm of Mass because it would spoil the Kennedy's retreat's mansion, who are we kidding. These people have their own agenda based on whose pocket is paying the freight. Right now with the present POTS the Unions, the environmental nazis and the looney left fringe is in control. In my soul and my live experience seeing this negative reaction to anything that spells progress for the country and the business environment is the worst that could have happened to the country and to those who see it different we will see who is right and who is wrong. In a few years we will see how much more moneys are fleeced by the government vs. how much money you could have spent in buying another Porsche. Hey maybe ours will be a relic of a era. The Porsche brand will be a bicycle. I know that I already got the usual bs from the liberal go back to where you are from yet they offer no solutions to anything other than " because you are doing better we are going to take more from you and give it to the family that has been on welfare for the last 30 years, the poor souls. I thought the War on Poverty that Johnson initiated was the solution. Gee kind to think of it has not worked, has it? Add up all the money thrown away there. The rest can continue drinking the Kool Aid.
Hasta Luego Amigos.