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Old 03-02-2012, 08:48 PM   #1
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Autoweek article of 54.5 mpg

This weeks Autoweek has the present Administration's EPA goal. Taking into account that Mr Potus is a complete and pure a-hole it should be no surprise that the goals as they stand now will probably destroy the car industry as we know it now. 54.5 mpg fleet which is a daunting task all for the sake of pushing more prius cars on us and volts on us. I fail to see what business is it of government to impose their noses into the car industry. We can see how efficiently govt works, look at their foray into providing mortgages for everyone by the likes of Maxine Waters, Mr Potus when he was a Senator in training, Barney Franks, Sen Dodd, Pres Clinton, and we are living through that nightmare right now, how trillions of dollars from everyone has evaporated but you would think this is enough no there is more. Mr Potus health program that was underestimated by another 111 billion but what the heck we already have a trillion and half in deficit. 111 billion more is a drop in the bucket. Where is the country going? Class warfare, distribution of wealth, outright confiscation of your wages and liberties dam it reminds me of Cuba. Let's bring back Che as treasurer like Fidel did, this way he could rob you blind as he goes to El Morro to shoot a few more Cubans or if not administer the coup de gras. I have always maintained that the people that voted for Potus are those who believe that Americans owe something to the blacks because of slavery. Is pure bs and here we are with an incompetent Potus that is autocratic , self empowered to change the fabric of this country. At this point I can see why it would not a bad idea of replacing both houses with burros. That's it for tonight's rant of I had it with this government. I am sure there will be issues that will ignite the wick.:dance:
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