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Old 02-28-2012, 06:44 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by landrovered View Post
Treated or more aptly mistreated by whom? Did the dealer break the car? Did the dealer design the car? Did the dealer drive the car? Was the dealer negligent in any way? Did the dealer do anything that was unethical? Did the dealer inflict harm in any way?

If you could look at this from an adult perspective then maybe you might understand what lawyers already know. THE DEALER IS NOT AT FAULT, they are really the owners only advocates and you idiots insist on alienating the only folks that could actually help.
I was speaking in general terms, how you were treated was a general statement....I know I would be pissed if my 2005 Boxster $$$ with just over 42K miles experienced total engine failure due to a obvious defective IMS bearing. Plenty of postings here and on every other Porsche forum regarding this defective bearing...For every post I've read about an engine replaced I've read twice as many saying Porsche did nothing. The fact is, Porsche replaced engines under warranty, no warranty means no help or very little help from the dealer or Porsche....
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